News Stories
Marysville schools confront psychological scars left by shooting
Andrew Gobin, The Hearld of Everett, Wash.
State of Oklahoma Selects ERT’s Suicide Risk Assessment System
Christine Tobin, PR Web/ERT
Robin Williams’ Suicide Was Another Preventable Tragedy
Kelly Posner, Huffington Post
Military suicides hold steady in 2015
Patricia Kime, Military Times
Progress and Hope on Preventing Veteran Suicides
Kenneth R. Silk, New York Times
When a Community Comes Together, There is Hope
Kelly Posner, Huffington Post
‘Suicide Symposium’ to promote awareness in the Valley
Kaden Weaver, MAT-SU Valley Frontiersman
Speaker at Forward March Conference discusses tool to screen for suicide risks
Amanda Dolasinski, Fayetteville Observer
Strides in Suicide Prevention: Efforts are growing from every direction, all toward the same goal.
Lisa Esposito, US News